White Paper and Official Website of MaMo NFT has been launched?!

NFT News Platform
2 min readJul 17, 2021

Before NFT, artists were relying on art galleries, auctions or what we called an offline platform to make their living by selling their art. But the issue arises from here is, their market will be very niche even if their arts are very nice or very impressive.

Isn’t it very troublesome? Inefficient?

But no worries, NFT solves all the issues stated above! This is because now NFT Artists can “show” their art in the NFT marketplace. And what’s more interesting? Now NFT Artists can still earn even if their arts do not belong to them. Why? This is what we call the uniqueness of NFT because there will be a right of ownership.

Now, let me tell you about the MaMo Experiment. In The MaMo Experiment, they picked the name “MaMo” because it is derived from Mammon, which means wealth in Ancient Chaldean. It was claimed by them that the MaMo Experiment was established to find out how to integrate NFT technology with encrypted art & AI technology in order to invent new ways for people to get RICH.

MaMo has developed unique AI-algorithms connecting every artist’s art into hundreds or even thousands of components. The software randomly selects the components that will be used to generate a unique NFT made from up to different parts from each artist’s art. In short, it will be a puzzle for users to solve.

There are so many types of NFT, as there are puzzles, collectibles, real estate, sports, fantasy football, gaming or even internet ephemera. The reason why MaMo NFT is a puzzle is because MaMo believes that “No matter how difficult the situation is, there are still solutions for it as per even the hardest puzzle has a solution”.

MaMo’s visions are pretty simple. They believe that Artificial Intelligence Technology will replace traditional human art craft, and this belief is already a reality RIGHT NOW!

Also, they hope that any participant can be an artist of AI NFT while achieving financial freedom. The artist can sell it directly to the consumer as an NFT, which also lets them keep more of the profits.

We are here to announce that the White Paper and Official Website of the MaMo Experiment have been launched! It was said that the White Paper is one of a kind. Do take a look at the MaMo Experiment White Paper in order to find out more infos about us.

MaMo White Paper: http://www.mamonft.com/MaMo%20Experiment%20WhitePaper.pdf

MaMo Official Website: http://www.mamonft.com/

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